The World Health Innovation Summit (WHIS) aims to relieve the pressures on health services by giving our communities the tools to take care of their own physical and mental well-being... from childhood through to old age.
Ultimately we hope to change the way people think about their health, physically and emotionally. Giving them the ownership and the tools to make a difference.Inspire and inform people in their communities to implement change to improve their health and wellbeing.
WHIS is a platform that brings patients, clinicians, managers, voluntary sector, education and the business community together to create value while supporting our health and social care services.Based in the heart of Cumbria [UK] WHIS identified that people in the community would be better supported if they had more access to holistic solutions in their locality. Taking a person centred health approach (prevention), WHIS recognised that there are four key cornerstones all of which needed to be supported at the same time by the same people: Economy, Education, Environment and Ecosystems.
WHIS uses its knowledge and network to provide opportunities - bridging the gap between community stakeholders, industry and investors, specialising in health care and particularly the delivery of SDG3 (Good health and wellbeing).
The WHIS network provides an entry point into any health eco-system worldwide.
WHIS provides a platform for knowledge sharing, idea creation, and solutions in health care, using our unique skills, influence and network to mentor projects ensuring they are sustainable and bankable.
The opportunity exists to strengthen our existing healthcare model while investing in health and wellbeing that creates value based on prevention, early intervention and using different resources.
Health and Economics are intrinsically linked as we’ve seen with COVID19. By investing in early intervention we aim to enable people and communities to thrive and improve their health and wellbeing, support existing health services, create new and meaningful jobs while supporting the implementation of the 17 sustainable development goals.
Mission We create real opportunities to empower communities, globally. We aim to improve people’s overall health and wellbeing, while supporting local economies. We partner with citizens and communities across the world to do this.
Vision WHIS aims to support our communities to implement and deliver all seventeen of the Sustainable Development Goals in every country in the world.
WHIS values each and every person. We show our values through our actions: Trust, Transparency, Honesty, Integrity and Respect. We treat others how we would like to be treated.
WHIS Model Our model is simple. We are a community interest company. We generate revenue and reinvest it back into local communities to deliver the SDGs. We do this in a number of ways.
WHIS Opportunities
Empower communities to improve their health and wellbeing.
Co-design and co-implement our WHIS programmes.
Support local recruitment & staff health and wellbeing – increase retention.
Create hubs for health and social care innovation worldwide.
Create social capital and intellectual capital.
Create new and innovative industries.
As the future of healthcare shifts too prevention and keeping people healthy we will also see healthcare expenditure shift.
Our story:
In 2015 the World Health Innovation Summit CIC was founded by Mr Gareth Presch. Based in the heart of Cumbria [UK] with an international career in healthcare systems, Gareth identified that people in the community would be better supported if they had more access to holistic solutions, in their locality. This is what we call community based person-centred care.
Taking a Good Health & Wellbeing (SDG3) approach to person centred health, Gareth recognised that there were five key cornerstones (Pillars) of which all needed to be supported, at the same time, by the same people: Health, Economy, Education, Environment and Ecosystems.
Gareth felt if people were more aware about how each Pillar impacted their daily lives, and ways in which to better understand them, then this could: 1. Help grow our economies (globally, nationally and locally) 2. Take pressures off our health and social services (staff and resources) 3. Create healthier & happier populations (improve people’s health & wellbeing) 4. Restore the balance to the environment 5. Create equal and safe opportunities 6. Support the most vulnerable people in our society These are now the WHIS Goals.
Gareth also identified a serious gap when it came to the progress of innovation. Many local enterprises and voluntary organisations were already providing exemplar services in their localities - but were working in isolation. His idea was to bring together like-minded people, with the same values, to deliver evidence based solutions across the globe. Collaboration: The key to achieving these goals. A new movement was born: #TogetherWeInspire
The WHIS team has held summits and activities right across the UK (Newcastle, Carlisle, Nottingham, Blackpool, Manchester, Birmingham, Leicester.), Thailand and Greece. The programmes and wellness activities (wellness retreats) have been tested in Cumbria. Additionally, to create engagement, WHIS has launched a magazine (WHISInspire), and WHISTalks, with various other initiatives to support people’s health and wellbeing in development. The platform can be defined as a social business, aiming to generate income streams to then reinvest money back into local communities (Porter and Kramer, 2006).
Once overheads are covered, the profits are reinvested back into the community. The objectives are to improve people’s health and wellbeing while creating a new ecosystem through a sharing and circular economy. An independent report has demonstrated that every £1 invested in the activities will generate £36 in terms of social return on investment back to the local community.
Together, with the support from an ever-evolving extraordinary international team, WHIS has now become a global platform, connecting thousands of innovators and social entrepreneurs across the world who have the same ethical values and the passion to create a better world now, and for future generations.
The current healthcare systems tend to be based predominantly on a sick-care model, the system is essentially one that waits until we have fallen ill. We face unprecedented challenges with global staff shortages predicted to be 18m by 2030 (BMJ). Healthcare costs (US$ 8.3 trillion or 10% of global GDP ref: WHO) have been rapidly rising over the past few decades. According to the Institute for Global Health Sciences of the University of California-San Francisco (Duff-Brown, 2017), diseases like obesity, cancer, etc. could cost $47 Trillion Dollars by 2030 This unsustainable demand and increase in costs can be largely attributed to the growth in the human population along with a diverse population that results in higher incidence of chronic and multiple conditions. As well as this, a one-size-fits-all approach to health doesn’t work. Both consumer preferences for convenience and affordability are shifting, as well as demand for a more efficient, personalised delivery model is growing.
Additionally, Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has dramatically unveiled the health inequalities (Gender, Disability etc) that exist in societies across the world, alongside the fragile state of the world’s health. With climate change the next challenge how will we address these challenges while delivering the UN sustainable development goals? Health and Economics are intrinsically linked as we’ve seen with COVID19.
World Health Innovation Summit (WHIS) platform for sustainable development: The increasing development and availability of new technologies in all fields have led to the creation of new strategies and business models, meaning the way an organization creates, captures, and distributes value. Among these business models, platform companies or "platforms" represent a compelling case, as they can allow knowledge and data sharing to increase the organization's value. The concept of value has changed in the last few years, from a purely economic or financial perspective to a value which must include the environment and the society, gathering together different stakeholders. The contribution of "platforms" in a critical sector, that of healthcare, is emerging and is pioneered by the World Health Innovation Summit (WHIS). Results show how "platforms" like WHIS can contribute to the creation and spreading of knowledge, involving experts, professionals, and people, and reinvesting efforts, value, and money back to the community in a circular way. New technologies can enhance the creation of new sustainable business models and solutions able to increase social value, allowing us to move from a digital economy to knowledge.
The WHIS model is based on combining human, social, and structural capital (Edvinssonet al, 2005; Edvinsson and Malone, 1997; Grafstrom and Edvinsson, 1996), creating a knowledge transfer platform that exists to support the health economies around the world. The WHIS platform works around five main pillars: WHISKids, WHISatwork, WHISSeniors, WHISGreen, WHISTech. Every WHIS pillar is driven by a specific value proposition that supports knowledge transfer to benefit people’s health and wellbeing in the specific area. The platform aims are connecting people, inspiring and influencing positive change. WHIS provides a platform to develop new ideas, prototype at a local, national, or international level. From pregnancy, creative arts,and design thinking new models and ideas that add community value can be developed through the platform.
The primary value of WHIS is trust, with the motto “Trust is the Oil of the Future.” WHIS grows by attracting like minded individuals who understand that what WHIS does is for the common good, combining thought and emotional leadership. WHIS provides the methodology and the value proposition, while the actors take ownership and generate the income streams locally, nationally and internationally. From pregnancy, creative arts,and design thinking new models and ideas that add community value can be developed through the platform. Building a community focused on health issues, the platform makes knowledge and ideas globally scalable. All the social prescribing programs (www.gspalliance.com) that are already on the platform (Better Care Together - wellness days, Barrow report NHS etc) can be shared everywhere in the world. WHIS can take them from being a local initiative to having worldwide reach.
The WHIS platform with partners are developing new programmes in the healthcare, wellbeing and education field, gathering together the most brilliant minds in the area, allowing medical doctors, nurses, educators, psychologists, managers, and other experts to share their ideas and knowledge through the web and on the ground. The galaxy of ideas enables the development of programmes devoted to specific users (school aged children, older people, mothers to be, cancer patients to mention a few) that can be directly prototyped and tested into communities and cities, but also in hospitals, clinics, hospices, schools, and any other organization.
The more the WHIS platform is used, the more data and cases are collected, and the process leads to a continuous improvement of the models and protocols. New and meaningful jobs can be created and healthcare professionals and experts that are dealing with new cases allow the accumulation of new knowledge, to further refine the programmes. New ideas are generated, from innovative ways of working to support recovery from COVID19 while addressing climate change challenges and building public trust.
In 2021 as the world was challenged by COVID19 World Health Innovation Summit and partners (Video) presented a paper on how to move forward during COVID19 while implementing the SDGs at the Global Solutions Summit 2021 which took place on May 27-28, 2021. The Summit supports the T20 and G20 under the Italian G20 Presidency.
Publications of Note:
Intellectual Capital in the Digital Economy
Edited By Patricia Ordóñez de Pablos, Leif Edvinsson
Chapter 3: The World Health Innovation Summit (WHIS) Platform for Sustainable Development. From the Digital Economy to Knowledge in The Healthcare Sector.
Gareth Presch, Francesca Dal Mas, Daniele Piccolo, Maksim Sinik and Lorenzo Cobianchi.
One Health: Transformative Enterprises, Wellbeing and Education in the Knowledge Economy
Piero Formica Maynooth University, Ireland
Chapter 6. The transformative enterprise: World Health Innovation Summit (WHIS) platform for sustainable development; Gareth Presch
Founder and CEO Gareth Presch, Chairman Dr Amir Hannan MBE, Deirdre Carbery, Ben Wilkins
Expert Groups:
Gender Equality & Women’s Empowerment – Chair Deirdre Carbery, Tyson Nicholas, Steffi Singh, Amany Yahia, Keira Lonergan, Catarina Caria, Tobias Masterton
MSK – Ben Wilkins, Jack Chew, Meg Lowry, Martin Ong’wen, Joost van Wijchen, Ruth Sephton
Shared Decisions and Personalised Care – Terri Coutee, Dr Minas Chrysopoulo, Suzanne Baars
Experts: Manuela Boyle, Dr Miriam Burger, Prof. Dr. Z. Haque, Dr Neela Shabde, Dr Zafar Meenai, Arun Nadarasa
Ambassadors: Kenisha Arora, David Kerr, Terisa Temang, Jemba Micheal Senkole, Daniel Wainstock
Advisors: Prof Leif Edvinsson, Mark Richie, Courtney Fingar, Senida Mesi
We work with Governments to implement and support healthcare solutions.
Co-design and co-implement our WHIS programmes.
Empower communities to improve their health and wellbeing.
Support local recruitment & staff health and wellbeing – increase retention.
Create hubs for health and social care innovation worldwide.
Create social capital, intellectual capital and support new industries.
Professionals reported decreased professional isolation and improved motivation:
67% said “I have improved my professional network.”
63% said “I have better access to new and innovative ideas through WHIS.”
53% said “I have a more positive professional outlook.”
52% said “I have improved my general professional knowledge base.”
48% said “I feel less isolated professionally."
"An international exchange of ideas,
enthusiasm, best practice and shared
values, right on our own doorstep! An
exciting opportunity to showcase our
beautiful county and its people, and
remind ourselves what resources we
already have, and our potential for
achieving even more. It provides an
opportunity to improve health both
locally and globally, in a myriad of ways
and will help us attract health care
professionals to the region".
Dr Laura Hipple, NHS Cumbria, UK
“I feel more pride and hope in the future of health & social care.” Summit attendee
“WHIS has connected many people who have gone on to develop collaborations and improved their lives and others they provide services for.”
Survey respondent
"I have learnt that I could control my
emotions. WHISkids
helped me see that." Boy Age 9
"To be more aware of people around me. Work
together. I have enjoyed everything.
" Girl, 8
Gareth Presch is the CEO and Founder of the World Health Innovation Summit. Gareth is a thought leader and pioneer of health system design around the world. He has been leading the development of new models of healthcare around the world.
And in everything we do, we have fun doing it - we smile and we laugh – because this is good for the heart, the soul, and good for our health.
Funding Policy World Health Innovation Summit CIC
World Health Innovation Summit (WHIS) needs funding to support activities to innovate, inspire and share knowledge. We appreciate all support and donated funds. We build partnerships with our supporters and look to support them through inspiring innovation. The WHIS accepts financial and non-monetary support with the mutual understanding that it maintains its independence to inspire people.
This policy seeks to clarify the WHIS position on funding received from corporate sponsors. It sets out the guidelines for accepting corporate funding and outlines what it may, or may not, expect from the WHIS in return. It does not set out to provide a definition of every possible funding opportunity or relationship, but rather to define a set of principles. This policy adheres to the sponsorship rules that are approved by the Directors/Founder. All staff, volunteers, and the Directors must adhere to this policy and perform their duties in accordance with these rules.
The WHIS welcomes funding from individuals and corporate sponsors on the basis of the following
We believe it is important to establish corporate partnerships and maintain relationships with our communities. We do not endorse any products or services. We encourage active partnerships that inspire people.We can deliver sustainable development goal projects for companies and government agencies that support and empower people and communities to improve their health and wellbeing.
Our relationships with corporate sponsors are based on mutual respect. We maintain our independence.
Balanced approach:
We seek a balanced and diverse model of funding from corporate sponsors, public and private institutions, and the voluntary sector. In order to avoid the risks inherent to a relationship with any single corporate sponsor, or a limited number of sponsors, we seek to diversify the types and sources of funding we receive from various partners. For these reasons, whenever possible the WHIS will seek to involve more than one sponsor in its sponsorship and partnership opportunities and give priority to those that accept our values. Exclusive sponsorship will only be accepted when all potential sponsors have had the possibility to express an interest.
Rules and exclusions:
WHIS do not endorse medicinal products, brands, or health services and must not appear to do so nor appear to be in any way partisan at all times. Decisions about the possibility of inclusion into or exclusion from WHIS projects and activities are formally made by our management team. Decisions will be made on what the WHIS sees as a breach of this policy and referred to the Directors/Founder for review.
Types of partnerships and sponsorship opportunities:
Unrestricted funding
Unrestricted funding covers direct costs such as personnel, equipment, consultants or suppliers, mission and travel expenses, as well as related indirect costs (e.g. telephone, administrative activities,etc.). It allows the WHIS and the funding organisation to develop a mutually beneficial relationship. It provides the WHIS with a dependable source of income over a number of years and enables it to develop and implement its core operations and activities. It allows the funding organisation to gain public credit for its support and to receive other benefits that are tailored to its level of commitment.
Restricted Funding
Restricted funding covers a single WHIS project or activity, such as summit, workshop, or communication tool (for example – training sessions, online media marketing opportunities etc) and covers direct costs, including staff costs. Partnerships and sponsorship of WHIS projects and activities is limited to PGP members. PGP members also receive advanced copies of the annual sponsorship package and receive first right of refusal.
Summits, Projects and activities
The Trustees on advice from the management team determine on an annual basis which activities the WHIS will make eligible for restricted sponsorship. These are outlined in the annual sponsorship package, which is prepared and distributed to potential partners and sponsors each year. The sponsorship package outlines the sponsorship opportunities, rates, and benefits to the partners (for example – recognition, partnership participation, etc) Projects and activities typically include, but are not limited to:
WHIS retains the right to agree partnerships with companies and services who share our values to deliver healthcare for all. Industry partnerships can be agreed that generate value for communities and deliver high quality healthcare at an affordable cost.
Charitable one off donations can be made through our not for profit - World Health Service
The WHIS welcome one-time charitable donations from individuals and a variety of organisations and companies. While these do not raise an obligation from the WHIS to acknowledge support publicly, this information may be announced at our partnership forum as directed by the Founder or nominated Director.
Non-monetary contributions
The WHIS welcomes non-monetary contributions from individuals and a variety of organisations and companies. These may include, but not limited to:
First contact
When approaching a corporate company, the WHIS or its representative will provide it with this policy on funding as well as its membership and sponsorship packages (If applicable). The WHIS may request information about the organisation or company, including its principle business activities and products or services it provides. The WHIS may also conduct its own research, particularly around the company’s reputation with patient groups and regulators. Should the WHIS have any concern about a real or perceived conflict of interest, it shall notify the Directors for discussion and review.
Written agreements
Prior to entering a sponsorship agreement both parties must sign and exchange this policy (Space below). When financial support is accepted, the WHIS and the corporate sponsor shall also sign and exchange a contract, Memorandum of Understanding, letter of agreement, or other written agreement. Only authorised persons form the company and the WHIS (It’s Founder, Chair, or an authorised Director) may sign these written agreements.
Corporate sponsors that have joined the PGP or that provided other forms of unrestricted funding may choose to receive an annual report and financial statements, once they are approved by Directors or CEO/Founder. Corporate sponsors that have restricted funding to a specific project, or activity may choose to receive a year-end summary report and financial statements. Sizeable one off donations and non-monetary contributions are presented to Directors.
We are pleased to publicly acknowledge individuals, organisations and corporate partners for their financial support. Specific modes of recognition and visibility are outlined in the WHIS sponsorship package. These vary per type and level of financial support received.
Prior to agreement between WHIS and the partner shall be reached on the level of visibility, types of logos and wording used to credit a sponsor, and other types of communication. Prior agreement shall also be reached on the wording and logos that partners may use when advertising their WHIS support in their own literature or externally. These agreements shall be reflected in the signed contract, memorandum of agreement, letters of agreement, or written agreement. Public communications not captured in written agreement must be agreed by the WHIS Founder/CEO or duly authorised person and the partner or sponsor, and reflected in writing.
The WHIS shall give partnership/sponsorship recognition to a corporate sponsor and not to products or services provided by these companies (Unless agreed). The policy of the WHIS is not to accept product advertising. When partnership or sponsorship recognition is given, the WHIS may also state that the acceptance of any sponsorship does not in any way mean the endorsement of any one company of product.
World Health Innovation Summit CIC – Company number 9613254
*We're a registered social enterprise in the UK.
Copyright © 2025 World Health Innovation Summit - All Rights Reserved.
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